What are IPC CID certified PCB designers making?
IPC Designer Certification or CID (Certified Interconnect Designer) and CID+ is the industry’s only premier professional development programme targeted toward those working in the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design industry. The course specifically caters to existing PCB design professionals who have a number of years experience and require for their designs to comply with accepted international standards.
But who is taking this training course and what are they using their qualification to make?
We speak to 2 PCB designers to find out.
Martin Carroll – Renishaw
Martin Carroll is a PCB designer at Renishaw. Renishaw is one of the world’s leading engineering and scientific technology companies, with expertise in precision measurement and healthcare products. Martin attended the IPC CID training course in November 2017. Martin has worked in the PCB design industry for over 6 years and was offered the opportunity by his line manager to complete his IPC CID qualification.
“I was keen to learn more about manufacturability of boards, the correct processes used and ways to improve and ensure the quality of my PCB design work.”

Martin’s PCB design work is primarily focused on the design work for measurement equipment. These can include machine tool probes and machine calibration systems. His most recent project was working on several PCBs of the RenAM 500Q (Quad Laser) project for the Additive Manufacturing Products Division of Renishaw.
“The IPC CID training course was excellent and has helped me consider the wider impact of following good and consistent PCB design rules and processes, the impact this has on PCB manufacturability and how this ultimately impacts the final product.”
Ryan Llewellyn – Plexus
We also spoke to PCB designer and recent IPC CID graduate Ryan Llewellyn about his experiences. Ryan Llewellyn is a PCB designer engineer at Plexus who are global leaders in complex product design, manufacturing, supply chain and aftermarket services. Plexus partners with companies around the world to help transform their concepts into branded products and deliver them to the market. Because of this, the work Ryan undertakes at Plexus can be quite diverse.
“I decided to take the IPC CID training course to increase my knowledge and ensure that quality design is embedded into the products we create.”
Ryan is currently working on Class 3 Medical Boards with very high density of components and a Class 2 Radar Control PCB, with 16 layers, micro/blind/buried via, RF signals, high speed digital signals, dual redundant AC and DC power supplies, 10 different power rails, 3 daughter card interfaces, Ethernet, RS232, RS422, USB and numerous other comm’s protocols along with an on-board microprocessor and FPGA.
“After working on a board prior to the IPC course, I was immediately able to go back and make a lot of improvements. I made improvements to ground planes, return paths, constraints and the way I documented the fabrication and assembly notes. The course helped to nail down some of the concepts I had been aware of but had never implemented before. These will now be cemented into my daily practices.”
Whilst the course covers the fundamentals of component placement and track routing, design considerations, layout principles, component and assembly issues, the qualification is now also being championed by organisations keen for PCB designers to hold the qualification.
“The training course gave me a practical understanding of PCB design and a good foundation of the IPC rules and processes which help improve circuit-board manufacturability. It’s great to have a certification that means that my designs are up to standard, which can only increase productivity and efficiency, whilst reducing costs to the company.”
For more information about IPC CID Certification and how it can help improve the product you are developing talk to us www.quadrasol.co.uk/ipc-cid or ipc-cid@quadrasol.co.uk
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